Friday 19 July 2013

Should be Playing: Steam Sale Edition 8

Number 3: Baldurs gate 

This game is old. Looks old, feels old, plays old. Even as an enhanced edition, MAN is this game dated. But who cares, its D&D. Great D&D, with arguably the best D&D story put into a game or even a novel, which would be a much more powerful statement if most D&D novels were not so fantastically bad.

Number 2: Raymen Origins

This is the happiest game ever made. If you can play this game without smiling you are dead inside.

Number 1: Civ 5

You might remember this game from my “if I only had one game” comment a few days back. If you like x4 games, there is simply nothing even close to the scale, complexity and enjoyably of Civ 5. And if you don’t like x4 games you are simply wrong.

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