Saturday 13 July 2013

Should be Playing - Steam Sale Edition 2

Number 3: L.A. Noire

Sometimes you want to play something different, then you realize that we live in a world where most indy games suck and most AAA games are clones of whatever is big. Noire breaks the mold nicely, with a story driven adventure game unlike anything else out there. This game is so un-game like that Rock Star added stock car and foot chases just so players would fell like they were playing something, but is such a wonderful experience that you have the option to turn them off and I would suggest doing that.

Number 2: The Witcher 2

This game is everything a game should be. Rich and detailed combat and character progression. Meaningful crafting and side quests. Incredible graphics, story, and voice work. Full frontal nudity. The only reason this isn’t number one is because … well because number one is ..

Number 1: Borderlands 2

If you haven’t played borderlands 2 you are missing out on what one of the most finely crafted video game experiences of this generation. Even if you are not a fan of FPS, you’ll find this game engaging enough to keep you going. Anthony Berch’s humor is spot on for the entire 40 hour experience (and his sisters voice acting is also great) and the game is both self-aware and playing to its audience. Behind that you have an incredibly enjoyable combat and skill system, 4 (to 6 with DLC) unique classes, and “over eleven bazillion” guns. Drop in drop out co-op is always great, so add me as a friend on steam if you to get it!

Honorable Mention: Tomb Raider

I just picked this up myself. Seems wrong not to mention it just because I haven’t played it until now, because everything I’ve heard about this game is that it’s fantastic.

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