Monday 9 June 2014

E3 - Sony Main Stage

Going into the Sony Press conference, I have to say me expectations are … Mah.  I mean, I don’t expect a bad press conference, but I also don’t expect anything that’s going to be overly exciting.  Sony is going to show one or two big exclusives, and they are going to spend a lot more time on non-gaming.  We’re going to see PlayStation now in the forefront, and more Vita news then we should.  I also expect a more arrogant main stage; don’t expect Sony to be thanking Nintendo and Microsoft or the haters, and do look forward to a lot of talk about just how great the PlayStation is doing.  As a fun drinking game, take a shot every time they say “1080P”.  I’m most interesting in seeing how much 3rd party they have on the stage, given the amount of them MS gave to them.
9:00 – Sony starting late, to the shock of absolutely no one
9:03 – The opening theatrics have exactly the amount of blue I was expecting.  It’s going to be interesting to see who walks on stage first, and I think it will be a big part in setting the tone
9:04 – Looking like Destany is the first thing on stage, and that’s not shocking; this game is huge and is giving a full 4 days of beta to Sony before anyone else.  That might not sound like a big deal, but is really is; people who are interesting in things like beta really don’t like to wait.
9:06 – Nothing against Sony as it’s not there thing, but this trailer is horrible.  I’m LESS excited about the game after seeing that, and the house reacted much the same … no clapping, just puzzled looks.  The last trailer we saw was breath taking, this was lack luster.
9:08 – Speaking of House, it looks like that who we are going with.  To be honest, I would have like to see a Dev or just a paid promoter, but not a bad choice.
9:10 – They mirror the message of Microsoft, we want to be the best place to play, but say they know what “best mean”, talking to higher resolution.  Looks like I was spot on with the arrogance comment.
9:10 – Destiny Alpha starting today.  That’s great news.  Also a new Sku, a white PS4 with Destiny included.  Looks nice.
9:11 – Showing an exclusive now.  I would expect Order 1886
9:12 – What might as well be a space marine walking through a dark hallway.  Looks CG to be honest, much nicer then the game play we saw on PS4 last month.  Either that’s Sony up to old tricks, or a fantastic preview of what’s to come, because visuals are incredible.
9:16 – The game play looks genearic and almost lacking in interaction.  I don’t think this is representive of the final product, but instead a result of trying to show gameplay before this game is really ready for it.  Still very excited about this game, but want to know what I saw was produced on PS4.
9:17 – A visual trailer for new game called “entwined”.  This seems to be something Sony is able to do exceptionally well, finding new and breathtaking games with fantastic visuals early in the console life cycle.  I really like what I’m seeing here, although I’m sure it’s no more complex then Flower.
9:19 – Entwined released today at $9.99.
9:19 – The mention of the PS3 release of Entwined makes me realized that Microsoft didn’t even mention the 360 once.
9:20 – Looks like my drinking game should have been “breathtaking performance” rather than simply 1080p.
9:21 – Single player DLC for second Sun, looks like its stand alone.  Sure … more Infamous is not a bad thing
9:22 – LB3P!  The first game on PS4 my wife is going to care about.
9:22 – Visually, this in only a small upgrade from the previous entries.  Not what I would have expected.  I wonder if this is a port and on PS3 as well.
9:24 – Sony is having tech problem, to the surprise of exactly no one
9:25 – Far more charming then the spark trailer, but the multiplayer looks more frustrating than anything else.  I think this would have shown better with one person playing it.
9:26 – I like it, but again, the multiplayer is getting in the way and this has gone on too long.  I want to hear about creation tools and what platforms this is on.  Can I use my vita to make things while playing them on my PS4?
9:28 – No mention of what system it’s on, so I’ll just assume PS4 and that it will look better at release.
9:29 – Ah, that’s why it looks old, fully compatible with the old game levels, so they are just upgraded visuals.  Still, that’s a trade I’m more than happy to make.  That makes the game SO much more valuable to people who don’t have other in the series.
9:30 – From Software is showing a game as a reveal.  There was no direct mention of it being exclusive, but I think we are still in the “all these are on PlayStation only or first” part of the show.  This is big news, but JUST a tad to ninth to call a real “wow” moment.
9:31 – CG trailer, looks fantastic.  Captures the darkness and horror you would expect from From Software.  Defiantly creating a lot of hype.
9:33 – Far Cry 4 on stage, I wonder if Sony will get anything exclusive or if this is just a showing.
9:34 – Not able to get confirmation on Blood born exclusivity.  Given Sony’s relationship with From Software, my gut says it is.
9:35 – Far Cry 4 looks like Far Cry 3+.  Please don’t in any way think I mean that as a bad thing.  FC3 was outstanding and needs refinement, not reinvention.
9:36 – Haha completely unrealistic vehicle hijack that was just awesome
9:37 – Looks like you’ll have the ability to jump and parachute, that’s a welcome addition.
9:39 – They seem to be cycling though VPs.  I really don’t like that.  I would rather have one voice to get used to, or cycle though developers.
9:40 – Exclusive mode for PS4 where you can invite friends without the game to play Co-op with you.  I see no value in that, but A for effort.  I can see that having value to a lot of other people though, and to families.
9:41 – Very odd zombie game being shown.  Looks like they are going for a feel that combines Dead Raising and Dead Island, which is like going for a feel that combines hot and cold.
9:42 – Wow, that’s Dead Island 2?  I don’t think that’s the tone is a step in the right direction for the series.  Again, not Sony’s fault, and good on them for getting the showing
9:43 – Beta and character level exclusive to Sony.  Seems Sony thinks there is a TON of value in beta access first, while MS thinks think is a TON of value in getting DLC first.  I think they are both wrong, but Sony is less wrong.
9:45 – Hardline.  Yeah I just saw like 15 minutes of this a few hours ago.  It looks great, but you don’t need to show it again.
9:45 – Exclusive NFC figures for infinity.  Why even bring that up at E3?  It’s a big deal, and a great score given how valuable a partner Disney is, but no one in the room cares.
9:46 – Sony is having more tech issues
9:47 – Paradox exclusives for PS4.  I’m a big paradox fan, but I’m not sure what they can offer a console.  This looks like a Magika game.  Sure, I can get into that.  Of all the games they make, it’s likely going to work best on the big screen
9:49 – Haha, my wife joked about Sony re-making a double fine game this morning.  I laughed, and laughed and laughed.  Great score for Sony, and a great for us as gamers.
9:51 – A bunch of Indie timed exclusives.  It’s not showing as well as the @ID montage, but there are some very established teams in the bunch.  I think this will not get the credit it deserves.
9:53 – I’m not digging the letter thing.  The pace seems much slower, and it seems like there is less content then there is
9:54 – Another exclusive called Let It Die, from GungHO.  I’ll reserve judgment until I see it; it looks good, but GungHO is generally goes for the pay to win FTP model.  Mind you, they do it better than anyone else, and I enjoy a lot of their games.
9:56 – Another psychedelic non-game game from Giant Squad.  Very impressive look, and I like the undersea theme.  Timed exclusive.
9:58 – Another timed exclusive indie game
9:59 – Looks interesting enough, but not exactly drawing me in.  Looking like a simplistic space shoot / exploration game called No Man's Sky
10:00 – 2/3 of the way in, no big first party or 3rd party exclusives, but some good news for Sony on things we already knew about getting better.  I’m not disappointed, but I really hope the next 30 minutes has more AAA
10:03 – Back to House.  I have a feeling we are done with games for a while
10:04 – DRINK
10:04 – Needless shot at Microsoft.  As someone who hate the console wars, this has really turned me off Sony this generation
10:04 – Project Morpheus.  This deserves no stage time.  Thankfully it didn’t get any.  You can’t show of VR on a stage.
10:05 – Pleasant surprise as we are back to games already, with Layden on stage.  If anyone can bring a big shocker I think it’s him.
10:07 – Shut up and show us what you’re here to show us.
10:08 – Oh … PSN news.  Guess we are not back to gaming after all.
10:08 – Meaningless stats ftw!
10:09 – PS4 direct uploads to YouTube.  Neat!
10:09 – Umm … he’s telling me I’ll be able to interact with people while watching games on twitch.  I can already do that.  It’s kinda what twitch is.
10:10 – I don’t really get the core message being delivered here, and the presenter is very weak.  PSN can do networky things and that’s good?  Yes, I knew that.  You don’t need to waste E3 time with that message.
10:11 – Did he just take a shot at the Gold Pay wall?  Someone should tell him that’s a bit out of date
10:12 – “Free to play means FREE TO PLAY” follow immediately by a montage with the words “Some features available at a cost”.  Ha.
10:13 – Why is loadout in a montage!  That deserves its own stage time.  That game is fantastic and it’s coming to PS4 is big news.
10:14 – Moving on to PlayStation Now.  A great service, coming at the end of the month.  I’m interested to see they talk pricing.
10:15 – Passing the buck on pricing.  Currently, there is a 1 day, 7 day, and 30 day rental option, starting at $4.99 for one day, with a month in the $20 range.  Hopefully not talking about it is because they hope to bring that down by the time the service is live
10:16 – On to Vita.  I feel a bundle coming on!  A commitment to keep PSV as a “key pillar” to Sony
10:17 – PSTV in US and UK!  Fantastic news!  I think this is the best news from E3 this far.
10:18 – $99 price point, fantastic
10:19 – haha, PSTV uses memory stick.  How horrible.  Honestly, that’s just shameful.  Holding back the system and gamers to force the use of a failed preparatory item.  Just have a freaking HD.
10:20 – It’s all about the games isn’t it?  Which is why we haven’t talked about any for 20 minutes!
10:20 – Mortal Kombat X.  Great game, shows well.
10:24 – More non-gaming.  Original content on PS4 from Sony pictures.  Powers is a great frontrunner for the service, but again, I don’t know why this is getting stage time.
10:28 – We are still talking about Powers.  Sony has paid 10s of thousands of dollars to advertise this guy’s graphic novel, and I don’t think they are getting value for that money.
10:29 – “well get to watch the first episode for free” … wait what?  I don’t get them ALL for free?  I thought this was a value add to the PS4.   Ah, ok, I get it with PSN+.  Sure, good enough.
10:30 – ratchet and clank movie coming to theaters … they have official run out of PlayStation items to talk about I guess.
10:31 – Re-master of Ratchet and clank, re-master of TLOU.  Why’s the trailer have spoilers?  You don’t want to sell this game to new people?  Looks great … but I mean, it looked great on PS3.  I guess it looks … greater-er?  I’m very happy to see this title, but I don’t think it adds much value to the PS4, more like the PS4 add value to TLOU.
10:35 – MGS5.  Fantastic trailer, I’m sad it got leaked, this would have been a great way to end the show if we didn’t all see it yesterday.
10:40 – GTAV coming to PS4 in fall!  Great to be the ones to announcement this!  Plus the ability to move from both PS3 and Xbox 360 to PS4 is great.  If MS doesn’t mirror that, it’s a big miss for them.
10:42 – New Batman, been talked and hyped for almost a month now.  Good to finally see it on stage, but not as big as GTAV.  Not sure why they didn’t end on that.
10:43 – Sony is over time.
10:44 – Who is voicing batman?
10:45 – exclusive modes for batman on PS4.  No shock there
10:46 – One last thing!
10:46 – Uncharted.  Sure.  That’s awesome.  But … we knew this was a thing.  This isn’t a show stopper.  It’s also CG.
Well, that was absolutely mediocre.  I wasn’t impressed at any point, and I was board a few times.  All and all, I still don’t see a lot of gaming coming to PS4 that are exciting, although credit for scoring early beta’s and exclusive content for some truly high profile releases.  The presenters were bad, and the overall theme was very hard to place.  It seemed almost haphazard, like they went in thinking they didn’t need to do anything to keep the hype going, and I just don’t agree with that.  The PSTV and GTAV moments were the best of show, and I’m sure that’s not the way they wanted things to play out.

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