Saturday 15 March 2014

PS4 Price Increase in Canada

If you read my posts or follow me you'll know there are few things that bother me more then Fanboys.  I love games, and can't understand why anyone would hate a game or a system based on who made it.  But the real problem isn't even that simple.  Game designers, publishers, and console makers pay attention to what the fan base is saying (look at how different the Xbox one is today from when it was shown at E3), and if all we are saying about a system is how wonderful it is and how we will continue to support it and only it no matter what, and will never accept the competition even if they start doing all the right things you are sending a negative message.  It's not long before that console maker will say to themselves "well, if they are going to blindly support us regardless, let's see what we can get away with"
Not at all shocking, Sony has decided to do just that up here in Canada.  They are raising the price of the PS4 itself by $50.  You could try to argue that this is due to the falling Canadian dollar (as $450 CND is about $400 US right now), but that ignores the fact that neither Nintendo or Microsoft have done this.  Even worse, they are upping the price of PS4 exclusive games to $70, even though NO OTHER PUBLISHER is doing this for any other games on any other system.
So a big hats off to all you Canadian Sony Fanboys.  You spent the last 4 months making this bed, and now we're all forced to lay in it.

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