Thursday 27 February 2014

Pay Day: Feb 27th

For many of us tomorrow is pay day, so today is a great day to cast my glance over all of gaming and answer that burning question;  What should I blow my money on?  I’ve taken into account sales from Steam and Steam key reseller, Xbox Gold, PSN+ and the E-shop to come up with the best possible way to spend $20.   I make no effort to represent all systems; the best games and the best deals are all that matter. This is what I’ve come up with for Feb 27th, 2014.
Humble Bundle 11 ($4.66 at time of writing) – PC, Linux, Mac
A no brainer given the fantastic quality and mind blowing quantity of games being offered in this bundle.  Dust, Twisted Dreams, and Guacamelee serve up 3 similar yet diverse takes on game play that answers a simple question: what if developers had skipped 3D altogether, and just made better and better “classic style” SNES games?   You get non-stop side scrolling action, brilliant visuals, and even character development to keep things fresh.  The Swapper provides a more cerebral experience with an introspective puzzle game that all but tricks you into thinking about the weight of the actions you are taking.  The only real question was if it was worth it to spend the extra money to get the bonus games, and Anti-Chamber seals the deal.  Another challenging and stimulating puzzle game that has some of the best “ah-ha!” moment you’re going to get all year.   Monaco adds a solid mutli-player experience to the mix.  Just make sure to set your donation level to give nothing to Fez’s developer or you're supporting Phil Fish, and that will make a Panda Cry.  Although in fairness, Fez is also a flat out fantastic game.
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment ($3.49 on PSN+) – PS3/PSP cross buy (via PS1 classics)
I generally don’t recommend you spend your new money on old games, but I’m willing to make an exception for Persona.  It comes down to what makes a game age well; you need quality of life features that were ahead of the times, and game play that hasn’t’ been repeated in dozens of newer, flashier games.  Persona 2 delivers!  Well kind of.  The game play with its mix of social simulation and RPG can’t be found anywhere else, the combat doesn't rely on graphics fidelity to make it work, and the story is engaging enough to help you see past the outdated visuals and lack of voice acting. As for quality of life ... is a JRPG, you shouldn't be expecting that to begin with.
Ni No Kuni: Wrait of the White Witch ($6.99 on PSN+) – PS3
With all the COD, GTA, Last of Us, and next gen hype we’ve been getting, Ni No Kuni seems to have missed out on the GOTY contender  spotlight it deserved. Which is a shame, as this game is an absolute gem.  Not only is it the best JRPG in years, but it’s one of the few “must play” games of 2013.  Level 5 delivers outstanding visuals, fresh and challenging game play, and a story that rides that live between cute and engrossing in that way only Japan can.  With an easy 30 hours of game play just to get from start to finish, and double that with side quests, what you are getting for you $7 is simply unmatched.
Mass Effect 2 ($4.99 on Steam) – PC
It’s hard to say anything about Mass Effect 2 that hasn’t been said before.  From start to finish, this is one of a few rare games that dose everything right.  The story is complex, but not complicated or hard to follow.  The characters are unique, diverse, and interesting yet still “human” enough to make meaningful connections with.  Your decisions matter and change the game, but you never feel you're missing out on the road not traveled.  The mechanics are simplified and accessible and yet still challenging and stimulating.   Topping it all off,  last mission of this game I still hold as the most enjoyable hour or so of gaming in my entire life, and given the number of games I play in a year that’s not a statement I make lightly.
So there you have it.  Did I miss anything?  Let me know below, and I’ll see you next pay day!

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